We are pleased to announce the details of this years memorial weekend in Plymouth to mark the 84th anniversary.
The Plymouth memorial weekend will take place from the 7th to the 9th June.
Please note that hotel rooms are available at the Drake Hotel, 2 Windsor
Villas, Lockyer Street, Plymouth, PL12QD – phone No. 01752 229 730 – email
info@drakehotelplymouth.co.uk . If you wish to stay at the hotel for the
weekend, ask to speak to Danielle, Jenny or Kevin as they are the people
dealing with the GLARAC weekend.
Plymouth, 7th-9th June 2024
Friday 7th June: A casual drink at the Gypsy Moth Pub (Formerly The Pub on The Hoe), Citadel Road, close to the Naval Memorial from 8 onwards. This is a chance to meet up and have a chat, particularly aimed at those who have travelled for the weekend, but all are welcome
Saturday 8th June: Plymouth Naval Memorial
4:00 pm: Gathering and short memorial service adjacent the 1940 memorial plaques.

19:30 onwards: A social gathering will be held at the Drake Hotel, Lockyer Street, Plymouth. All welcome. Please come along for a drink and a chat. There will be a buffet and bar available.
Sunday 9th June: Belverdere Memorial Gardens

11:00 AM: There will be a short memorial service at our Memorial plaque, followed by a wreath laying ceremony.
Following the Service, attendees are invited for buffet refreshments at the Drake Hotel on Lockyer Street. All welcome. Bar facilities available.
Cenotaph Parade, London November 10th 2024

We will once again be taking part in the RBL Remembrance parade in Whitehall this year.
Any members who would like to take part, should contact Lauren Woodward at the following email address:
On the occasion of the 80th anniversary, our Norwegian friends in Harstad marked the event on our behalf. Great thanks go to Harald Isachsen, local historian and honourary member of our Association, who was instrumental in making sure this went ahead.
Please click on the following link to see a short video this event...
GLARAC memorial at Trondenes, Harstad 8th June 2020